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eSIM Profile Lifecycle

An eSIM has different states throughout its lifecycle. The Connect API returns the eSIM profile state for a given ICCID using the SIM endpoint. The key states are outlined below.

Releasedready to be installed by the customer
Downloadeddownloaded into the eUICC of the customer device
Installedsuccessfully installed in eUICC of the customer device
UnavailableeSIM is deactivated

Example Request​

curl -X GET \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Correlation-ID: unique-id-from-requester-123'

Example Response​

"iccid": "8944471111111119506",
"status": "Released",
"matching_id": "5C-ZYXZZ-1R54O94",
"last_modified": "2020-12-03T08:56:00Z",
"sim_type": "ESIM",
"_metadata": {
"links": {
"_lpa": "LPA:1$$5C-ZYXZZ-1R54O94",
"_subscriptions": "{BASE_URL}/v2/subscriptions?iccid=8944471111111119506",
"_qrcode": "$$5C-ZYXFC-1R5MO94",
"_self": "{BASE_URL}/v2/sims/8944471111111119506"

Example Response (Unavailable)​

"iccid": "8944471111111119206",
"status": "Unavailable",
"matching_id": "5C-ZLXZZ-1R54O94",
"last_modified": "2025-12-03T08:56:00Z",
"sim_type": "ESIM",
"_metadata": {
"links": {
"_lpa": "LPA:1$$5C-ZYXZM-1R54O94",
"_subscriptions": "{BASE_URL}/v2/subscriptions?iccid=8944471111111119206",
"_qrcode": "$$5C-ZYXFC-1R5MO94",
"_self": "{BASE_URL}/v2/sims/8944471111111119206"

For eSIM in Unavailable status, no top-up orders should be submitted. If a customer requests a service, a new Activation order should be submitted. As a result, new ICCID and matchingID will be provided. eSIM card with Unavailable status shouldn't be used and any API request should be stopped toward 1Global Connect API.