eSIM Profile Lifecycle
An eSIM has different states throughout its lifecycle. The Connect API returns the eSIM profile state for a given ICCID using the SIM endpoint. The key states are outlined below.
Status | Description |
Released | ready to be installed by the customer |
Downloaded | downloaded into the eUICC of the customer device |
Installed | successfully installed in eUICC of the customer device |
Unavailable | eSIM is deactivated |
Example Request​
curl -X GET \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Correlation-ID: unique-id-from-requester-123'
Example Response​
"iccid": "8944471111111119506",
"status": "Released",
"matching_id": "5C-ZYXZZ-1R54O94",
"last_modified": "2020-12-03T08:56:00Z",
"sim_type": "ESIM",
"_metadata": {
"links": {
"_lpa": "LPA:1$$5C-ZYXZZ-1R54O94",
"_subscriptions": "{BASE_URL}/v2/subscriptions?iccid=8944471111111119506",
"_qrcode": "$$5C-ZYXFC-1R5MO94",
"_self": "{BASE_URL}/v2/sims/8944471111111119506"
Example Response (Unavailable)​
"iccid": "8944471111111119206",
"status": "Unavailable",
"matching_id": "5C-ZLXZZ-1R54O94",
"last_modified": "2025-12-03T08:56:00Z",
"sim_type": "ESIM",
"_metadata": {
"links": {
"_lpa": "LPA:1$$5C-ZYXZM-1R54O94",
"_subscriptions": "{BASE_URL}/v2/subscriptions?iccid=8944471111111119206",
"_qrcode": "$$5C-ZYXFC-1R5MO94",
"_self": "{BASE_URL}/v2/sims/8944471111111119206"
For eSIM in Unavailable status, no top-up orders should be submitted. If a customer requests a service, a new Activation order should be submitted. As a result, new ICCID and matchingID will be provided. eSIM card with Unavailable status shouldn't be used and any API request should be stopped toward 1Global Connect API.